Montenegro Green Building Council at
First Meeting of South Eastern Europe GBCs

The first regional meeting of representatives from the GBCs in South Eastern Europe takes place in Ljubljana, courtesy of the Slovenian GBC. GBC ME is represented by its President, James Collins, and a leading member of the Membership and Marketing Committee, Anke Harris-Collins. One of the important topics for discussion is a proposal to establish a coordinated training scheme leading to a qualification as a Green Building Professional. This qualification would be recognised by all European GBCs with the additional aim of course to become accredited for Continuous Professional Development (CPD).




Montenegro GBC recounted its experience as a major partner in an EU-funded project, involving the conversion of the source of heating for public buildings to Ground Coupled Heat Pumps. The LEGEND project is funded under the EU’s Adriatic IPA CBC programme. GBC ME is responsible for the part of the project identifying barriers to greater acceptance of GCHP use, and for developing policies to be presented to governments in the region to encourage greater use of such renewable technologies.

Among other topics to be discussed will be the training programme being introduced by several GBCs leading to a Certificate as a Green Building Professional. This important initiative will allow professionals in the building and property development sector to gain a qualification which will be recognised across Europe.

Cooperation across the region, as well as across Europe, is a main topic for such Network meetings, allowing GBCs to share experiences and learn from each other. The World GBC Coordinator for the European Network will update those present on activities both across Europe and the world.

A constant issue is promoting the values of sustainable development. This requires both publicity about the aims of GBCs and organisation of events to attract media attention.

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