LEGEND project meeting in Rabac, Croatia
Second meeting of the LEGEND project, sponsored by IPA Adriatic Cross Border Cooperation Programme, will take place in Rabac, Croatia on the 11th and 12th April 2013. The project team from GBC ME will meet with other project partners from Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania to discuss project progress.
GBC ME, considering its deep knowledge over the green buildings commercial perspectives in the Balkan area, will lead legal and market research within the project, with aim to develop a methodology for a SWOT analysis of the current legal and market forces across the project area. Mr. James Collins, LEGEND Project Coordinator will lead the discussion during the project meeting in Rabac.
The overall objective of the LEGEND project is promotion of energy efficiency concepts & low-enthalpy geothermal energy benefits in the Adriatic area through the development of demonstration cases in public & residential buildings utilizing GCHP (Ground Coupled Heat Pumps) as well as the development of cost/benefit monitoring activities and policy & financial supporting schemes. Therefore, the project carries out an assessment of the technological, environmental and economic key-factors (capitalizing the results of GEO.POWER, VIGOR & SEAR projects) to address practical application with high transferability potential in 7 countries & 11 regions of the IPA Adriatic area and P&P partnership models to facilitate the diffusion of GE technologies. For more information about the project visit http://www.geopower-i4c.eu/legend